Curle a3e89b4e8f
Replace the renderer with a modern, module version. (#7)
* New Vulkan Renderer Module & Associated Fixups
2022-11-26 16:44:16 +00:00

331 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
#include "vlkx/vulkan/Tools.h"
#include "ImageUsage.h"
#include <shadow/util/RefCounter.h>
#include "Buffer.h"
#include <array>
#include <utility>
namespace vlkx {
// Describes an image without initializing or storing any heavy data.
class ImageDescriptor {
enum class Type { Single, Cubemap };
struct Dimension {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t channels;
VkExtent2D getExtent() const { return { width, height }; }
size_t getSize() const { return width * height * channels; }
Type getType() const { return type; }
VkExtent2D getExtent() const { return dimensions.getExtent(); }
uint32_t getWidth() const { return dimensions.width; }
uint32_t getHeight() const { return dimensions.height; }
uint32_t getChannels() const { return dimensions.channels; }
std::vector<void*> getData() const {
if (type == Type::Single) return { (void*) data };
std::vector<void*> dataPtrs;
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dataPtrs.emplace_back((char*) data + offset);
offset += dimensions.getSize();
return dataPtrs;
int getLayers() const { return type == Type::Single ? 1 : 6; }
ImageDescriptor(Type t, const Dimension& d, const void* ptr) : type(t), dimensions(d), data(ptr) {}
Type type;
Dimension dimensions;
const void* data;
// A staging buffer specialized for uploading images.
class ImageStagingBuffer : public StagingBuffer {
using StagingBuffer::StagingBuffer;
ImageStagingBuffer(const ImageStagingBuffer&) = delete;
ImageStagingBuffer& operator=(const ImageStagingBuffer&) = delete;
void copy(const VkImage& target, const VkExtent3D& extent, uint32_t layers) const;
// Root class that stores image data on GPU buffers
class ImageBuffer : public Buffer {
ImageBuffer(const ImageBuffer&) = delete;
ImageBuffer& operator=(const ImageBuffer&) = delete;
~ImageBuffer() override {
vmaDestroyImage(VkTools::allocator, image.image, image.allocation);
const VkTools::ManagedImage& get() const { return image; }
const VkImage& getImage() const { return image.image; }
using Buffer::Buffer;
void setImage(const VkTools::ManagedImage newImg) { image = newImg; }
VkTools::ManagedImage image;
// Base class of all images; stores the common data.
class Image {
Image(const Image&) = delete;
Image& operator=(const Image&) = delete;
virtual ~Image() {
vkDestroyImageView(dev->logical, view, nullptr);
static VkDescriptorType getSampleType() { return VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER; }
static VkDescriptorType getLinearType() { return VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE; }
static ImageDescriptor loadSingleFromDisk(std::string path, bool flipY);
// The following are left unimplemented intentionally.
//static ImageDescriptor loadSingleFromVFS(std::string path, bool flipY);
static ImageDescriptor loadCubeFromDisk(const std::string& directory, const std::array<std::string, 6>& files, bool flipY);
//static ImageDescriptor loadCubeFromVFS(std::string directory, const std::array<std::string, 6>& files, bool flipY);
virtual ImageUsage getUsage() const { return ImageUsage {}; }
const VkTools::ManagedImage& operator*() const { return get(); }
virtual const VkTools::ManagedImage& get() const = 0;
virtual const VkImage& getImage() const = 0;
const VkImageView& getView() const { return view; }
const VkExtent2D& getExtent() const { return extent; }
VkFormat getFormat() const { return format; }
virtual VkSampleCountFlagBits getSamples() const { return VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT; }
Image(const VkExtent2D& ext, VkFormat form);
void setView(const VkImageView& imgView) { view = imgView; }
VulkanDevice* dev;
VkImageView view;
VkExtent2D extent;
VkFormat format;
VkSampleCountFlagBits sampleCount;
// Configures image sampling in a sensible and extensible way
class ImageSampler {
struct Config {
explicit Config(VkFilter filter = VK_FILTER_LINEAR, VkSamplerAddressMode mode = VK_SAMPLER_ADDRESS_MODE_REPEAT) : filter(filter), mode(mode) {}
VkFilter filter;
VkSamplerAddressMode mode;
ImageSampler(int mipLevels, const Config& config);
ImageSampler(const ImageSampler&) = delete;
ImageSampler& operator=(const ImageSampler&) = delete;
~ImageSampler() {
vkDestroySampler(dev->logical, sampler, nullptr);
const VkSampler& operator*() const { return sampler; }
VkSampler sampler;
VulkanDevice* dev;
// Root of images which can be sampled.
class SamplableImage {
virtual ~SamplableImage() = default;
// Return a VkDescriptorImageInfo we can use to update sets.
virtual VkDescriptorImageInfo getInfo(VkImageLayout layout) const = 0;
VkDescriptorImageInfo getInfoForSampling() const { return getInfo(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL); }
VkDescriptorImageInfo getInfoForLinear() const { return getInfo(VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL); }
// A samplable image that lives on the GPU, with optional mipmapping.
// Use a RefCountedTexture when loading from files.
class TextureImage : public Image, public SamplableImage {
// Image metadata
struct Meta {
VkExtent2D getExtent() const { return { width, height }; }
VkExtent3D get3DExtent() const { return { width, height, channels }; }
Buffer::BulkCopyMeta getCopyMeta() const;
std::vector<void*> data;
std::vector<ImageUsage> usages;
VkFormat format;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t channels;
TextureImage(bool mipmapping, const ImageSampler::Config& samplerConfig, const Meta& meta);
TextureImage(bool mipmapping, const ImageDescriptor& image, const std::vector<ImageUsage>& usages, const ImageSampler::Config& config);
TextureImage(const TextureImage&) = delete;
TextureImage& operator=(const TextureImage&) = delete;
const VkTools::ManagedImage& get() const override { return buffer.get(); }
const VkImage& getImage() const override { return buffer.getImage(); }
VkDescriptorImageInfo getInfo(VkImageLayout layout) const override {
return { *sampler, getView(), layout };
// Textures are sampled in fragment shaders.
ImageUsage getUsage() const override {
return ImageUsage::sampledFragment();
class TextureBuffer : public ImageBuffer {
TextureBuffer(bool mipmaps, const Meta& meta);
TextureBuffer(const TextureBuffer&) = delete;
TextureBuffer& operator=(const TextureBuffer&) = delete;
int getMipping() const { return mipLevels; }
int mipLevels = 1;
const TextureBuffer buffer;
const ImageSampler sampler;
// A texture image that lives on GPU that is reference counted.
// This allows it to be reused multiple times without reading the file in more than once.
// It also allows the texture to be destructed automatically once nothing in the scene uses it, for eg. level changes.
class RefCountedTexture : public SamplableImage {
// Cubemaps are simply 6 textures, so we include them here for easy instantiation.
struct CubemapLocation {
std::string directory;
std::array<std::string, 6> files;
// Reference Counting works on both individual files and cubemaps, so we put them together.
using ImageLocation = std::variant<std::string, CubemapLocation>;
RefCountedTexture(const ImageLocation& location, std::vector<ImageUsage> usages, const ImageSampler::Config& config)
: texture(get(location, std::move(usages), config)) {}
RefCountedTexture(RefCountedTexture&&) noexcept = default;
RefCountedTexture& operator=(RefCountedTexture&&) noexcept = default;
VkDescriptorImageInfo getInfo(VkImageLayout layout) const override {
return texture->getInfo(layout);
const Image* operator->() const { return texture.operator->(); }
using ReferenceCounter = shadowutil::RefCounter<TextureImage>;
// Get or load the specified image.
static ReferenceCounter get(const ImageLocation& location, const std::vector<ImageUsage>& usages, const ImageSampler::Config& config);
ReferenceCounter texture;
// TODO: unowned, offscreen images.
// Image that can be used as a depth / stencil buffer attachment.
class DepthStencilImage : public Image {
DepthStencilImage(const DepthStencilImage&) = delete;
DepthStencilImage& operator=(const DepthStencilImage&) = delete;
DepthStencilImage(const VkExtent2D& extent);
const VkTools::ManagedImage& get() const override { return buffer.get(); }
const VkImage& getImage() const override { return buffer.getImage(); }
class DepthStencilBuffer : public ImageBuffer {
DepthStencilBuffer(const VkExtent2D& extent, VkFormat format);
DepthStencilBuffer(const DepthStencilBuffer&) = delete;
DepthStencilBuffer& operator=(const DepthStencilBuffer&) = delete;
const DepthStencilBuffer buffer;
// Image that references an existing image on the swapchain
class SwapchainImage : public Image {
SwapchainImage(const SwapchainImage&) = delete;
SwapchainImage& operator=(const SwapchainImage&) = delete;
SwapchainImage(const VkImage& image, const VkExtent2D& extent, VkFormat format);
const VkTools::ManagedImage& get() const override { return managed; }
const VkImage& getImage() const override { return image; }
VkImage image;
VkTools::ManagedImage managed;
class MultisampleImage : public Image {
enum class Mode {
static std::unique_ptr<Image> createColor(const Image& targetImage, Mode mode);
static std::unique_ptr<Image> createDepthStencilMS(const VkExtent2D& extent, Mode mode);
static std::unique_ptr<Image> createDepthStencil(VkExtent2D& extent, std::optional<Mode> mode);
const VkTools::ManagedImage& get() const override { return buffer.get(); }
const VkImage& getImage() const override { return buffer.getImage(); }
VkSampleCountFlagBits getSamples() const override { return samples; }
class MultisampleBuffer : public ImageBuffer {
enum class Type { Color, DepthStencil };
MultisampleBuffer(Type type, const VkExtent2D& extent, VkFormat format, VkSampleCountFlagBits samples);
MultisampleBuffer(const MultisampleBuffer&) = delete;
MultisampleBuffer& operator=(const MultisampleBuffer&) = delete;
MultisampleImage(const VkExtent2D& extent, VkFormat format, Mode mode, MultisampleBuffer::Type type);
VkSampleCountFlagBits chooseSamples(Mode mode);
const VkSampleCountFlagBits samples;
const MultisampleBuffer buffer;