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2023-03-12 14:19:58 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <array>
namespace SE {
* An Entity Component that has a Spatial context.
* AKA, a Component with a position, a rotation, and a size.
* Spatial Components may exist in a hierarchy; where each subsequent object inherits the spatial positions of its' parents.
* This allows for things like complex articulation of large machines, etc.
class EntitySpatialComponent : public EntityComponent {
// Whether this is the root spatial component for this Entity.
inline bool IsSpatialRoot() const { return parent == nullptr; }
// Fetch the transforms and bounds.
inline Math::Transform const& GetLocalTransform() const { return transform; }
inline Math::OrientedBB const& GetLocalBounds() const { return bounds; }
inline Math::Transform const& GetWorldTransform() const { return worldTransform; }
inline Math::OrientedBB const& GetWorldBounds() const { return worldBounds; }
// Get the position in world-space.
inline Math::Vector const& GetPosition() const { return worldTransform.GetTranslation(); }
// Get the rotation in world-space.
inline Math::Quaternion const& GetRotation() const { return worldTransform.GetRotation(); }
// Get vectors relative to this spatial component.
inline Math::Vector GetForwardVector() const { return worldTransform.GetForwardVector(); }
inline Math::Vector GetUpVector() const { return worldTransform.GetUpVector(); }
inline Math::Vector GetRightVector() const { return worldTransform.GetRightVector(); }
// Update the local and world transforms
inline void SetLocalTransform(Math::Transform const& newTransform);
inline void SetWorldTransform(Math::Transform const& newTransform);
// Move this component by the specified amount of transform, rotation
inline void MoveBy(Math::Transform const& delta);
// Is there a child spatial component
inline bool HasChildren() const { return !children.empty(); }
// Get the ID of the parent of this Spatial Component
inline ComponentID const& GetParentID() const { return parent->GetID(); }
// Get the transform of the parent component
inline Math::Transform const& GetParentTransform() const { return parent->worldTransform; }
// Fetch how deep in the spatial hierarchy this Component is.
size_t GetHierarchyDepth(bool singleEntity = true) const;
// Check if we are a child of a given Component
bool IsChildOf(EntitySpatialComponent const* parent) const;
// Get the ID of the socket we are attached to
inline std::string const& GetAttachmentSocketID() const { return attachmentSocket; }
// Set the name of the socket we wish to be attached to.
inline void SetAttachmentSocket(std::string& id) { attachmentSocket = id;}
// Fetch the transform of a specific attachment.
Math::Transform const& GetAttachmentTransform(std::string& id) const;
// Whether this Component supports local scaling
virtual bool LocalScale() const { return false; }
// Fetch the local scale, if supported. { 1, 1, 1 } otherwise.
virtual std::array<float, 3> const& GetLocalScale() const { static auto ones = std::array<float, 3> { 1, 1, 1 }; return ones; }
// Convert a given world-space transform to a model-space transform.
inline Math::Transform const& ConvertWorldToLocalTransform(Math::Transform const& world);
virtual void Initialize() override;
// Set the local scale, if supported
virtual void SetLocalScale(std::array<float, 3> const& newScale) {}
// Calculate the local bounding box for the Component; the position should always be close to origin.
virtual Math::OrientedBB CalculateBounds() const;
// Update the local and world bounds for the Component.
void UpdateBounds();
// Attempt to find the given Socket in this Component, and return its' Transform if present.
bool GetAttachmentTransform(std::string& socketId, Math::Transform& out) const;
virtual bool FindAttachmentTransform(std::string& socketId, Math::Transform& out) const;
// Whether this Component has the given Socket.
// Default: No sockets.
virtual bool HasSocket(std::string& socket) const { return false;}
// Process the creation/destruction/movement of a Socket.
void UpdateSockets();
// Called whenever the World Transform is updated.
virtual void OnMoved() {}
// Set the World Transform for a component.
// Skips a lot of internal processing.
inline void SetWorldTransform(Math::Transform& newTransform, bool callback = true);
inline void CalculateWorldTransform(bool callback = true);
// The location of this Component, relative to the world.
Math::Transform transform;
// The collision boundary of this Component.
Math::OrientedBB bounds;
// The world transform of this component; how to get to the position from the world origin.
Math::Transform worldTransform;
Math::OrientedBB worldBounds;
// The parent of this Spatial Component
EntitySpatialComponent* parent = nullptr;
// The socket (attachment point) of the parent entity that this Component is attached to.
std::string attachmentSocket;
// The Components that are attached to this Component.
std::vector<EntitySpatialComponent*> children;