
87 lines
2.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#pragma once
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "Queue.h"
#include "vlkx/vulkan/VulkanDevice.h"
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
namespace vlkx {
// Root class of VkCommandBuffer wrappers.
class CommandBuffer {
using Command = std::function<void(const VkCommandBuffer& buffer)>;
CommandBuffer(const CommandBuffer&) = delete;
CommandBuffer& operator=(const CommandBuffer&) = delete;
virtual ~CommandBuffer() {
vkDestroyCommandPool(dev->logical, pool, nullptr);
void setPool(const VkCommandPool& newPool) { pool = newPool; }
VulkanDevice* dev;
VkCommandPool pool;
// A command buffer that will be immediately executed.
class ImmediateCommand : public CommandBuffer {
ImmediateCommand(Queue queue);
ImmediateCommand(const ImmediateCommand&) = delete;
ImmediateCommand& operator=(const ImmediateCommand&) = delete;
void run(const Command& cmd);
const Queue queue;
VkCommandBuffer commands;
// A command buffer that will be reused every frame.
class RenderCommand : public CommandBuffer {
using Command = std::function<void(const VkCommandBuffer& commands, uint32_t framebuffer)>;
using Update = std::function<void(int frame)>;
~RenderCommand() override {
// Destroy our own data
vkDestroySemaphore(dev->logical, renderDoneSem, nullptr);
vkDestroySemaphore(dev->logical, newImageSem, nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
vkDestroyFence(dev->logical, inFlight[i], nullptr);
RenderCommand(int frames);
RenderCommand(const RenderCommand&) = delete;
RenderCommand& operator=(const RenderCommand&) = delete;
uint32_t getFrame() { return imageIndex; }
void nextFrame() { imageIndex = (imageIndex + 1) % 2; }
std::optional<VkResult> execute(int frame, const VkSwapchainKHR& swapchain, const Update& update, const Command& cmd);
// Renders a single frame out, no semaphores or fences.
std::optional<VkResult> executeSimple(int frame, const Update& update, const Command& cmd);
std::vector<VkCommandBuffer> commands;
// Raised when a new image is available
VkSemaphore newImageSem;
// Raised when a render is finished
VkSemaphore renderDoneSem;
// Stores fences for frames that are currently "in flight".
std::vector<VkFence> inFlight;
// The index of the texture that is currently being used by the GPU.
uint32_t imageIndex = 0;