Curle 8f0de18b37 Begin transition to UEFI.
The current system of separating x86 and x86_64 is no longer
feasible with UEFI implementation. UEFI must have its own entry point.

To this end, some optimisations have been implemented in the ASM files.
Everything related to setup has been removed, leaving only the IDT and GDT utility functions.

The linker may be required for the other files, though.
2019-07-17 15:08:47 +01:00

349 lines
9.5 KiB

*** Team Kitty, 2019 ***
*** Sync ***
/* This file provides all of the functionality
* needed to interact with the Text-Mode VGA
* buffer, which will soon be defunct due to
* EFI and graphics.
* This file will be left for the forseeable
* future, because it allows for easy debugging.
* 17/07/19 Curle
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
//#include <string.h>
#include "kernel/tty.h"
#include "kernel/utils.h"
static const size_t TERM_WIDTH = 80;
static const size_t TERM_HEIGHT = 25;
static size_t terminal_row;
static size_t terminal_column;
static uint8_t current_color;
static uint16_t* term_buffer;
volatile uint16_t* vga_buffer = (uint16_t*)0xB8000;
void screen_initialize(void) {
terminal_row = 0;
terminal_column = 0;
current_color = vga_color_set(LIGHT_GREY, BLACK);
term_buffer = vga_buffer;
for (size_t y = 0; y < TERM_HEIGHT; y++) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < TERM_WIDTH; x++) {
const size_t offset = y * TERM_WIDTH + x;
term_buffer[offset] = vga_entry(' ', current_color);
void term_setcolor(enum vga_colors color) { current_color = color; }
void term_putentryat(char c, uint8_t color, size_t x, size_t y) {
const size_t offset = y * TERM_WIDTH + x;
term_buffer[offset] = vga_entry(c, color);
void term_putchar(char c) {
unsigned char uc = c;
// Handle escaped characters, such as newline, and crtn.
switch (uc) {
case '\n':
terminal_column = 0;
terminal_row += 1;
term_putentryat(uc, current_color, terminal_column, terminal_row);
if (++terminal_column == TERM_WIDTH) {
terminal_column = 0;
if (++terminal_row == TERM_HEIGHT) {
terminal_row = 0;
struct csi_sequence parse_csi(const char* data, size_t size) {
enum State state = PARAMETER;
struct csi_sequence sequence = {.parameter = NULL,
.parameter_len = 0,
.intermediate = NULL,
.intermediate_len = 0,
.final = NULL,
.valid = false};
for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j++) {
uint8_t c = data[j];
if (state == PARAMETER && (c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x3F)) {
if (!sequence.parameter)
sequence.parameter = data + j;
} else if (c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x2F) {
if (!sequence.intermediate)
sequence.intermediate = data + j;
} else if (c >= 0x40 && c <= 0x7F) { = data + j;
sequence.valid = true;
state = FINAL;
} else {
// Parameter found in intermediate byte location, or byte out of
// range
state = INVALID;
return sequence;
void term_write(const char* data, size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// Begin handling ANSI escape codes.
if (data[i] == 0x1b) { // The current character is ESC - the start of ANSI codes.
// term_writes("ANSI Code encountered: ");
bool string_terminated = false; // Flag used in some of the escape codes
// TODO: Should only progress if we have at least 2 more bytes
switch ((uint8_t)data[i + 1]) {
case '[': // CSI - Control Sequence Introducer (The most common one, hence it comes first)
struct csi_sequence sequence = parse_csi(data + i + 2, size - (i + 2));
if (sequence.valid) {
// Send it off to our handler function to keep this part clean
i += sequence.parameter_len + sequence.intermediate_len + 2; // Move past sequence
} break;
// Single shifts are not handled, so just print them and exit
case 'N': // SS2 - Single Shift Two
term_writes("Single Shift Two\n");
case 'O': // SS3 - Single Shift Three
term_writes("Single Shift Three\n");
// Control Strings
case 'P': // DCS - Device Control String
term_writes("Device Control String");
string_terminated = false;
case '\\': // ST - String Terminator
term_writes("String Terminator\n");
string_terminated = true;
case ']': // OSC - Operating System Command
term_writes("Operating System Command\n");
string_terminated = false;
case 'X': // SOS - Start Of String
term_writes("Start of String");
string_terminated = false;
case '^': // PM - Privacy Message
term_writes("Privacy Message\n");
case '_': // APC - Application Program Command
term_writes("Application Program Command\n");
} else {
void term_writes(const char* data) { term_write(data, strlen(data)); }
void puts(const char* string) {
term_write(string, strlen(string));
void handleControlSequence(struct csi_sequence sequence) {
// Check for our failsafes
if (sequence.valid) {
int n = 0; // Default of the flag used for a few items
// Parse parameters, we only care about a max 2 of number only parameters
// for now
int params[2] = {0};
int param_count = 0;
if (sequence.parameter_len) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sequence.parameter_len && param_count < 1; i++) {
char c = sequence.parameter[i];
if (isDigit(c)) {
n = (n * 10) + (sequence.parameter[i] - '0');
} else if (c == ';') {
params[param_count++] = n;
params[param_count++] = n;
switch (*( {
case 'H':
case 'f': // CUP - Cursor Position
// TODO: Check to see if we have 2 paramaters
if (params[0])
if (params[1])
set_cursor(params[0], params[1]);
case 'A': // CUU - Cursor Up
if (!params[0])
params[0] = 1;
set_cursor(terminal_column, terminal_row - params[0]);
case 'B': // CUD - Cursor Down
if (!params[0])
params[0] = 1;
set_cursor(terminal_column, terminal_row + params[0]);
case 'C': // CUF - Cursor Forward
if (!params[0])
params[0] = 1;
set_cursor(terminal_column + params[0], terminal_row);
case 'D': // CUB - Cursor Back
if (!params[0])
params[0] = 1;
set_cursor(terminal_column - params[0], terminal_row);
case 'E': // CNL - Cursor Next Line
if (!params[0])
params[0] = 1;
set_cursor(0, terminal_row + params[0]);
case 'F': // CPL - Cursor Previous Line
if (!params[0])
params[0] = 1;
set_cursor(0, terminal_row - params[0]);
case 'G': // CHA - Cursor Horizontal Absolute
if (params[0])
set_cursor(params[0], terminal_row);
case 'J': // ED - Erase in Display
// current cursor pos = y * width + x
int pos = terminal_row * 80 + terminal_column;
if (params[0] == 0) { // Clear from cursor to end of screen
for (; pos < (25 * 80); pos++) {
vga_buffer[pos] = '\0';
} else if (params[0] == 1) { // Clear from cursor to beginning
for (; pos > 0; pos--) {
vga_buffer[pos] = '\0';
} else if (params[0] == 2 || params[0] == 3) { // Clear entire screen
// TODO: Support scrollback buffer? (n = 3)
for (int i = 0; i < (25 * 80); i++) {
vga_buffer[0] = '\0';
case 'K': // EL - Erase in Line
int pos = terminal_row * 80 + terminal_column;
if (params[0] == 0) { // From cursor to end of line
int endPos = (terminal_row + 1) * 80 - 1; // End of line = current row + 25 columns = current row + 1
for (; pos < endPos; pos++) {
vga_buffer[pos] = '\0';
} else if (params[0] == 1) { // From cursor to start of line
int endPos = terminal_row * 80; // Start of line = end of previous line + 1 == current line
for (; pos > endPos; pos--) {
vga_buffer[pos] = '\0';
} else if (params[0] == 2) { // Entire current line
pos = terminal_row * 80;
int endPos = (terminal_row + 1) * 80 - 1;
for (; pos < endPos; pos++) {
vga_buffer[pos] = '\0';
case 'S': // SU - Scroll Up
case 'T': // SD - Scroll Down
bool isDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
void set_cursor(int n, int m) {
terminal_column = n;
terminal_row = m;
void term_scroll(bool down) {
int current_pos;
if (down) {
current_pos = 25 * 80; // Start of the last line.
} else {
current_pos = 160; // Start of the second line.
unsigned char* term_buffer = (unsigned char*)vga_buffer;
if (down) { // To scroll down, move every character into the one below it, or "pull" every character down
while (current_pos > 80) {
term_buffer[current_pos + 160] = vga_buffer[current_pos];
term_buffer[current_pos + 159] = vga_buffer[current_pos - 1];
current_pos -= 2;
} else {
while (current_pos <= 4000) {
term_buffer[current_pos - 160 /*The character immediately below it*/] =
vga_buffer[current_pos]; // Move each character up a line
term_buffer[current_pos - 159 /*The color of the character below*/] =
vga_buffer[current_pos + 1]; // As well as its color
current_pos += 2; // Move to next char
if (down) {
current_pos = 0; // Start of first line
for (; current_pos < 80; current_pos++) {
term_buffer[current_pos] = '\0';
current_pos += 2;
} else {
; // Start of the last line
// Wipe out the bottom line
for (current_pos = 3840; current_pos <= 3920; current_pos += 2) {
term_buffer[current_pos] = 0;
terminal_row = 24; // Start writing on the last line
terminal_column = 0;