2022-02-17 02:03:05 +00:00

273 lines
7.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <kernel/system/descriptors.h>
#include <kernel/system/memory.h>
#include <kernel/system/interrupts.h>
#include <kernel/system/process/process.h>
*** Team Kitty, 2021 ***
*** Chroma ***
#define MAX_CORES 8
#define MAX_PROCESSES 128
#define PROCESS_STACK 65535
typedef void (* function_t)();
* @brief All the data a process needs.
* Contains all the process-specific structs.
* Lots of private members, out of necessity
class Process {
// Tells the scheduler, and system at large, what the current state of the process is
enum ProcessState {
PROCESS_AVAILABLE, // Process is ready to be scheduled
PROCESS_RUNNING, // Process is active on the CPU
PROCESS_WAITING, // Process is blocked by external activity
PROCESS_CRASH, // Process has encountered an error and needs to be culled
PROCESS_NOT_STARTED,// Process is waiting for bootstrap
PROCESS_REAP // Process wants to die
// The process' buffers, for moving data in and out of the system
enum BufferTypes {
// The data that actually represents one of the above buffers.
struct Buffer {
uint8_t* Data;
size_t Length;
size_t LengthAllocated;
uint8_t Type; // An entry of BufferTypes.
} __attribute__((packed));
// A packet used for IPC
struct ProcessMessage {
uint8_t MessageID;
size_t Source; // Originating PID
size_t Destination; // Target PID
size_t Content; // Pointer to the data.
size_t Length; // Size of the data. End is Content + Length
size_t Response;
bool Read; // True if message has been read
bool Free; // True if memory can be reused for something else
} __attribute__((packed));
// Important information about the process.
// Its' stack and stack pointer, plus the page tables.
struct ProcessHeader {
uint8_t* Stack;
size_t RSP;
address_space_t* AddressSpace;
ProcessHeader Header;
ProcessState State;
bool User; // Is this process originated in userspace?
bool System; // Was this process started by the system (ie. not user interaction)
size_t UniquePID; // Globally Unique ID.
size_t KernelPID; // If in kernel space, the PID.
size_t ParentPID; // If this process was forked, the parent's PID. Otherwise, the kernel.
char Name[128];
size_t Entry; // The entry point. Move execution here to start the process.
uint8_t Core;
bool ORS = false;
bool IsActive = false;
bool IsInterrupted = false; // True if an interrupt was fired while this process is active
uint8_t Signals[8]; // Interrupt / IRQ / Signal handlers.
uint8_t Sleeping; // 0 if active, else the process is waiting for something. TODO: remove this, use State?
ProcessMessage* Messages; // A queue of IPC messages.
size_t LastMessage; // The index of the current message.
uint8_t* ProcessMemory;
size_t ProcessMemorySize;
// TODO: Stack Trace & MFS
Process(size_t KPID) : State(PROCESS_AVAILABLE), UniquePID(-1), KernelPID(KPID) {
Process(const char* ProcessName, size_t KPID, size_t UPID, size_t EntryPoint, bool Userspace)
: User(Userspace), UniquePID(UPID), KernelPID(KPID), Entry(EntryPoint), ORS(false), Sleeping(0),
LastMessage(0) {
memcpy((void*) ProcessName, Name, strlen(Name) + 1);
Process(const Process &Instance) {
memcpy(this, &Instance, sizeof(Process));
Process &operator =(const Process &Instance) {
memcpy(this, &Instance, sizeof(Process));
return *this;
void InitMemory();
void InitMessages();
void Kill() {
State = ProcessState::PROCESS_REAP;
Sleeping = -1;
void Destroy();
void Rename(const char* NewName) {
memcpy(Name, NewName, strlen(Name) > strlen(NewName) ? strlen(Name) : strlen(NewName));
size_t* AllocateProcessSpace(size_t Bytes);
size_t FreeProcessSpace(size_t* Address, size_t Bytes);
bool OwnsAddress(size_t* Address, size_t Bytes);
void SetParent(size_t PID) { ParentPID = PID; };
void SetSystem(bool Status) {
System = Status;
if (System && User) {
// TODO: Log error.
void SetState(ProcessState NewState) { State = NewState; };
void SetActive(bool NewState) { IsActive = NewState; };
void SetCore(size_t CoreID) { Core = CoreID; };
void IncreaseSleep(size_t Interval) { Sleeping += Interval; };
void DecreaseSleep(size_t Interval) { Sleeping -= Interval; };
ProcessHeader* GetHeader() { return &Header; };
const char* GetName() const { return Name; };
size_t GetPID() const { return UniquePID; };
size_t GetKPID() const { return KernelPID; };
size_t GetParent() const { return ParentPID; };
ProcessState GetState() const { return State; };
bool IsValid() const { return KernelPID != 0; };
bool IsUsed() const { return (State != ProcessState::PROCESS_AVAILABLE && State != ProcessState::PROCESS_CRASH &&
State != ProcessState::PROCESS_REAP) && IsValid();
bool IsSleeping() const { return Sleeping; };
size_t GetSleepCounter() const { return Sleeping; };
bool CanRun(const size_t CPU) const {
bool flag = !(ORS && !IsActive);
return State == ProcessState::PROCESS_WAITING && Core == CPU && KernelPID != 0 && flag && !IsSleeping();
size_t GetCore() const { return Core; };
bool IsUserspace() { return User; };
bool IsSystem() { return System; };
static Process* FromName(const char* name);
static Process* FromPID(size_t PID);
static Process* Current();
static void SetCurrent(Process* Target);
* Handles tasks related to processes in general, but that don't need to be
* directly linked to any one specific process.
* Stuff like switching tasks, sleeping, killing, etc.
class ProcessManagement {
uint32_t CoreCount = 1;
static ProcessManagement* instance();
void Wait();
void Initialize();
void InitialiseCore(size_t APIC, size_t ID);
void NotifyAllCores();
void DumpProcess(size_t PID);
void LockProcess(size_t PID);
void UnlockProcess(size_t PID);
static void Sleep(size_t Count);
void Sleep(size_t Count, size_t PID);
static void Kill(int Code);
void Kill(size_t PID, int Code);
bool CheckLocked(size_t PID);
void GetStatus(size_t PID, int* ReturnVal, size_t* StatusVal);
// TODO: Process*
size_t SwitchContext(INTERRUPT_FRAME* CurrentFrame);
void MapThreadMemory(size_t from, size_t to, size_t length);
void InitProcess(function_t EntryPoint, size_t argc, char** argv);
void InitKernelProcess(function_t EntryPoint);
void InitProcessPagetable(bool Userspace);
void InitProcessArch();
size_t HandleRequest(size_t CPU);
inline void yield() { __asm __volatile("int 100"); }