#include #include #include #include /************************ *** Team Kitty, 2020 *** *** Chroma *** ***********************/ /************************************************ * C O N S T A N T S A N D M A C R O S *************************************************/ #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #define PAGES_PER_BUCKET 8 #define OFFSET_BIT(i) Memory[i / PAGES_PER_BUCKET] #define SET_BIT(i) OFFSET_BIT(i) = OFFSET_BIT(i) | (1 << (i % PAGES_PER_BUCKET)) #define UNSET_BIT(i) OFFSET_BIT(i) = OFFSET_BIT(i) & (~(1 << (i % PAGES_PER_BUCKET))) #define READ_BIT(i) ((OFFSET_BIT(i) >> (i % PAGES_PER_BUCKET)) & 0x1) #define GET_BUCKET32(i) (*((uint32_t*) (&Memory[i / 32]))) #define CAST(a, b) ((a) (b)) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define REINTERPRET_CAST(target, intermediate, value) ((target*)((intermediate*)value)) #define FIXENDIAN64(x) __builtin_bswap64(x) #define FIXENDIAN32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) #define FIXENDIAN16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x) #define CONCAT(x, y) x ## y #define CONCAT2(x, y) CONCAT(x, y) #define ASSERT(exp, error) \ if(!(exp)) SomethingWentWrong(error); // typedef char CONCAT2(static_assert, __LINE__) [(exp) ? 1 : -1] #define CLZ(num) (num ? __builtin_clzll(num) : 64) #define IS_ALIGNED(addr) (((size_t) addr | 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000) == 0) #define PAGE_ALIGN(addr) ((((size_t) addr) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000) + 0x1000) #define SET_PGBIT(cr0) (cr0 = cr0 | 1 << 31) #define UNSET_PGBIT(cr0) (cr0 = cr0 ^ 1 << 31) #define UNSET_PSEBIT(cr4) (cr4 = cr4 & 0xFFFFFFEF) #define TOGGLE_PGEBIT(cr4) (cr4 = cr4 ^ (1 << 7)) #define SET_PAEBIT(cr4) (cr4 = cr4 | 1 << 5) #define ERR_PRESENT 0x1 #define ERR_RW 0x2 #define ERR_USER 0x4 #define ERR_RESERVED 0x8 #define ERR_INST 0x10 #define ELF64MAGIC 0x7F454c46 #define ELF64MAGICBE 0x464c457F /* * The way we boot, using BOOTBOOT, and the static hard drive images, means * we're limited to Protocol 1 - we cannot ask the bootloader to move anything * around for us. * * That means we need to account for these unmovable sections in the paging system. * * MMIO_REGION * Represents the MMIO symbol defined in the linkerscript and chroma.h. * FB_REGION * Represents the framebuffer used throughout the kernel. * This is likely the most important thing to keep where it is. Without this, we * have no video output. * KERNEL_REGION * This is where the kernel itself is loaded into memory. Protocol 1 means * we're loaded into the -2MB area. * We *CAN* mvoe the kernel about in memory. It's as simple as memcpying it around * and calling a void pointer as a function to return to where we were. * We *CANNOT* move the framebuffer in this manner, as it is set directly by BIOS, * and the graphics device most likely will not allow this to happen. * For this reason, the kernel, framebuffer and MMIO will remain where they are. * Luckily, there are more components of Chroma than the kernel itself. That's what * the kernel heap and kernel stack areas are for. * * USER_REGION * This is the dedicated space 0...7FFFFFFFFFFF for userspace. * No kernel objects or data will be put into this space. * Protocol 1 puts the page tables at 0xA000 by default, so these will have to be moved * up to kernel space. * * KERNEL_STACK_REGION * KERNEL_STACK_END * Encapsulate a 1GB large area of memory, to be used by the kernel for thread & interrupt stacks, * call unwinding and other debug information. * * KERNEL_HEAP_REGION * KERNEL_HEAP_END * Encapsulate another 1GB large area for kernel objects. ie. resources (images, sounds), libraries, * data structures, assorted information about the system.. etc. * * DIRECT_REGION * As mentioned above, the lower half is reserved for user space. * The higher half will be direct-mapped throughout. * This is the cutoff for the higher half - FFFF800000000000. * */ #define MMIO_REGION 0xFFFFFFFFF8000000ull // Cannot move! #define FB_REGION 0xFFFFFFFFFC000000ull // Cannot move! #define FB_PHYSICAL (size_t) bootldr.fb_ptr // 0x00000000FD000000ull - Physical location of the Framebuffer #define KERNEL_REGION 0xFFFFFFFFFFE00000ull // -2MiB, from bootloader #define KERNEL_TEXT 0x0000000000002000ull // Offset of symbols from the kernel text #define KERNEL_PHYSICAL KernelLocation // The located kernel from the bootstrap process #define KERNEL_END KernelLocation + (KernelEnd - KernelAddr) #define KERNEL_OFFSET 0x0000000000039000ull // KERNEL_PHYSICAL -> KERNEL_PHYSICAL + KERNEL_OFFSET + KERNEL_REGION #define CODE_STACK_PHYSICAL 0x0000000000006C00ull // The base of the stack running the C code we enter with #define CODE_STACK_END 0x0000000000007C00ull #define CORE_STACK_PHYSICAL 0x0000000000014000ull // The first CPU core's stack #define CORE_STACK_END 0x0000000000015000ull #define STACK_TOP 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000ull // The start of the highest stack #define MEM_CEILING 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull // The top of the stack in the map #define USER_REGION 0x00007FFFFFFFFFFFull // Not needed yet, but we're higher half so we might as well be thorough #define KERNEL_STACK_REGION 0xFFFFE00000000000ull // Kernel Stack Space #define KERNEL_STACK_END 0xFFFFE00040000000ull // End of Kernel Stack Space #define KERNEL_HEAP_REGION 0xFFFFE00080000000ull // Kernel Object Space (kmalloc will allocate into this region) #define KERNEL_HEAP_END 0xFFFFE000C0000000ull // End of Kernel Object Space #define DIRECT_REGION 0xFFFF800000000000ull #define LOWER_REGION 0x0000000100000000ull // Lower Memory cutoff - 4GB #define PAGE_SHIFT 12 #define TO_DIRECT(addr) ((size_t)(addr) + DIRECT_REGION) #define FROM_DIRECT(addr) ((size_t)(addr) - DIRECT_REGION) #define PREFIX(func) k ## func /********************************************* * T Y P E D E F I N I T I O N S **********************************************/ typedef void* directptr_t; typedef struct { ticketlock_t Lock; size_t* PML4; } address_space_t; typedef enum { MAP_WRITE = 0x1, MAP_EXEC = 0x2, } mapflags_t; typedef enum { CACHE_NONE, CACHE_WRITE_THROUGH, CACHE_WRITE_BACK, CACHE_WRITE_COMBINING } pagecache_t; typedef struct { int MaxOrder; directptr_t Base; directptr_t* List; ticketlock_t Lock; } buddy_t; /********************************************* * A b s t r a c t A l l o c a t o r **********************************************/ const char* IntToAscii(int In); typedef void* allocator_t; typedef void* mempool_t; allocator_t CreateAllocator(void* Memory); allocator_t CreateAllocatorWithPool(void* Memory, size_t Bytes); void DestroyAllocator(allocator_t Allocator); mempool_t GetPoolFromAllocator(allocator_t Allocator); mempool_t AddPoolToAllocator(allocator_t Allocator, void* Memory, size_t Bytes); void RemovePoolFromAllocator(allocator_t Allocator, mempool_t pool); void* AllocatorMalloc (allocator_t Allocator, size_t Bytes); void* AllocatorMalign (allocator_t Allocator, size_t Alignment, size_t Bytes); void* AllocatorRealloc(allocator_t Allocator, void* VirtualAddress, size_t NewSize); void AllocatorFree (allocator_t Allocator, void* VirtualAddress); size_t AllocatorGetBlockSize(void* VirtualAddress); size_t AllocatorSize(void); size_t AllocatorAlignSize(void); size_t AllocatorMinBlockSize(void); size_t AllocatorMaxBlockSize(void); size_t AllocatorPoolOverhead(void); size_t AllocatorAllocateOverhead(void); size_t AlignUpwards(size_t Pointer, size_t Alignment); size_t AlignDownwards(size_t Pointer, size_t Alignment); void* AlignPointer(const void* Pointer, size_t Alignment); /************************************************************ * C h r o m a M e m o r y M a n a g e m e n t *************************************************************/ extern size_t memstart; extern size_t end; void ListMemoryMap(); void InitMemoryManager(); void AddRangeToPhysMem(directptr_t Base, size_t Size); directptr_t PhysAllocateLowMem(size_t Size); directptr_t PhysAllocateMem(size_t Size); directptr_t PhysAllocateZeroMem(size_t Size); directptr_t PhysAllocateLowZeroMem(size_t Size); directptr_t PhysAllocatePage(); void PhysRefPage(directptr_t Page); void PhysFreePage(directptr_t Page); void PhysFreeMem(directptr_t Phys, size_t count); size_t SeekFrame(); void MemoryTest(); void InitPaging(); void TraversePageTables(); void* memcpy(void* dest, void const* src, size_t len); /********************************************* * C h r o m a A l l o c a t o r **********************************************/ //TODO: Copy to/from Userspace void MapVirtualPage(address_space_t* AddressSpace, size_t Physical, size_t Virtual, size_t PageFlags); void MapVirtualPageNoDirect(address_space_t* AddressSpace, size_t Physical, size_t Virtual, size_t PageFlags); size_t DecodeVirtualAddress(address_space_t* AddressSpace, size_t VirtualAddress); size_t DecodeVirtualAddressNoDirect(address_space_t* AddressSpace, size_t VirtualAddress); size_t* CreateNewPageTable(address_space_t* AddressSpace); void* AllocateMemory(size_t Bits); void* ReallocateMemory(void* VirtualAddress, size_t NewSize); void FreeMemory(void* VirtualAddress); void* AllocateKernelStack(); void FreeKernelStack(void* StackAddress); void PageFaultHandler(INTERRUPT_FRAME Frame); extern void *PREFIX(malloc)(size_t); ///< The standard function. extern void *PREFIX(realloc)(void *, size_t); ///< The standard function. extern void *PREFIX(calloc)(size_t, size_t); ///< The standard function. extern void PREFIX(free)(void *); ///< The standard function.