const child = require("child_process"); const fs = require("fs"); let defaultCompiler = "gcc"; let tempDir; let defaultLinkFlags = "%.o" let defaultOutput = "$name" let linkCache = ""; module.exports = { /** * Preprocess the buildscript. * If it contains compile, assemble and link steps, it does nothing * If it contains compile but no build, it implicitly adds it with the default arguments. * @param {object} buildscript the JSON buildscript object */ extensionC: function(buildscript) { console.log("c.js processing buildscript"); if(!("link" in { console.log("Inserting link step for gcc");["link"] = [defaultLinkFlags]; } if(!("output" in { console.log("Inserting output step");["output"] = [defaultOutput]; } tempDir = process.cwd() + "/bsTemp/"; if(!fs.existsSync(tempDir)) { console.log("Creating temporary dir for object files"); fs.mkdirSync(tempDir); } }, extensionH: function() {}, extensionO: function() {}, extensionLD: function() {}, /** * Called when it is time to execute the compile step. * It is passed the array of strings associated with the step in the buildscript. * @param {...string} params the list of strings */ stepCompile: function(...params) { let cwd = process.cwd().replace(/\\/g, "/"); let compileFlags = ""; // Check whether we're doubly listed if(Array.isArray(params[0])) { params = params[0]; } for(var param of params) { console.log("stepCompile: param", param); if(param.startsWith("-")) { compileFlags = param; } else { let binPath = param.substr(param.lastIndexOf(cwd) + cwd.length + 1); binPath = binPath.substr(0, binPath.lastIndexOf(".")); binPath = cwd + "/bsTemp/" + binPath; // generate the file structure for it to go into fs.mkdirSync(binPath.substr(0, binPath.lastIndexOf("/")), {recursive: true}); if(param.substr(param.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) != "c" && param.substr(param.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) != "s") { fs.copyFileSync(param, binPath + ".o"); } else { let compilerCommand = defaultCompiler + " -c " + param + " -o " + binPath + ".o " + compileFlags; child.execSync(compilerCommand); } } } }, /** * Take in the compiled binary object files, * prepare the link command, and save it for the link execution. * @param {...string} params the object files to link. */ stepLink: function(...params) { let linkerCommand = ""; // Check whether we're doubly listed if(Array.isArray(params[0])) { params = params[0]; } for(var param of params) { console.log("stepLink: param", param); linkerCommand += param + " "; } linkCache = linkerCommand; }, /** * Take in the name of a file, execute the link command to save the output. * @param {string} output the name of the wanted file */ stepOutput: function(output) { // Check whether we're doubly listed if(Array.isArray(output[0])) { output = output[0]; } let linkerCommand = defaultCompiler + " -o " + process.cwd() + "/" + output + " " + linkCache; console.log("stepOutput: param", output, "command", linkerCommand); child.execSync(linkerCommand); }, /** * Set the name of the compiler to be used. * @param {string} comp */ setCompiler: function(comp) { // Check whether we're doubly listed if(Array.isArray(comp[0])) { comp = comp[0]; } defaultCompiler = comp; console.log("Set compiler to", comp); } }