* Copyright (c) 2009, Ian Selby/Gen X Design * * Author(s): Ian Selby * * Licensed under the MIT License * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice. * * @author Ian Selby * @copyright Copyright (c) 2009 Gen X Design * @link http://phpthumb.gxdlabs.com * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php The MIT License * @version 3.0 * @package PhpThumb * @filesource */ /** * PhpThumb Object * * This singleton object is essentially a function library that helps with core validation * and loading of the core classes and plugins. There isn't really any need to access it directly, * unless you're developing a plugin and need to take advantage of any of the functionality contained * within. * * If you're not familiar with singleton patterns, here's how you get an instance of this class (since you * can't create one via the new keyword): * $pt = PhpThumb::getInstance(); * * It's that simple! Outside of that, there's no need to modify anything within this class, unless you're doing * some crazy customization... then knock yourself out! :) * * @package PhpThumb * @subpackage Core */ class PhpThumb { /** * Instance of self * * @var object PhpThumb */ protected static $_instance; /** * The plugin registry * * This is where all plugins to be loaded are stored. Data about the plugin is * provided, and currently consists of: * - loaded: true/false * - implementation: gd/imagick/both * * @var array */ protected $_registry; /** * What implementations are available * * This stores what implementations are available based on the loaded * extensions in PHP, NOT whether or not the class files are present. * * @var array */ protected $_implementations; /** * Returns an instance of self * * This is the usual singleton function that returns / instantiates the object * * @return PhpThumb */ public static function getInstance () { if(!(self::$_instance instanceof self)) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * Class constructor * * Initializes all the variables, and does some preliminary validation / checking of stuff * */ private function __construct () { $this->_registry = array(); $this->_implementations = array('gd' => false, 'imagick' => false); $this->getImplementations(); } /** * Finds out what implementations are available * * This function loops over $this->_implementations and validates that the required extensions are loaded. * * I had planned on attempting to load them dynamically via dl(), but that would provide more overhead than I * was comfortable with (and would probably fail 99% of the time anyway) * */ private function getImplementations () { foreach($this->_implementations as $extension => $loaded) { if($loaded) { continue; } if(extension_loaded($extension)) { $this->_implementations[$extension] = true; } } } /** * Returns whether or not $implementation is valid (available) * * If 'all' is passed, true is only returned if ALL implementations are available. * * You can also pass 'n/a', which always returns true * * @return bool * @param string $implementation */ public function isValidImplementation ($implementation) { if ($implementation == 'n/a') { return true; } if ($implementation == 'all') { foreach ($this->_implementations as $imp => $value) { if ($value == false) { return false; } } return true; } if (array_key_exists($implementation, $this->_implementations)) { return $this->_implementations[$implementation]; } return false; } /** * Registers a plugin in the registry * * Adds a plugin to the registry if it isn't already loaded, and if the provided * implementation is valid. Note that you can pass the following special keywords * for implementation: * - all - Requires that all implementations be available * - n/a - Doesn't require any implementation * * When a plugin is added to the registry, it's added as a key on $this->_registry with the value * being an array containing the following keys: * - loaded - whether or not the plugin has been "loaded" into the core class * - implementation - what implementation this plugin is valid for * * @return bool * @param string $pluginName * @param string $implementation */ public function registerPlugin ($pluginName, $implementation) { if (!array_key_exists($pluginName, $this->_registry) && $this->isValidImplementation($implementation)) { $this->_registry[$pluginName] = array('loaded' => false, 'implementation' => $implementation); return true; } return false; } /** * Loads all the plugins in $pluginPath * * All this function does is include all files inside the $pluginPath directory. The plugins themselves * will not be added to the registry unless you've properly added the code to do so inside your plugin file. * * @param string $pluginPath */ public function loadPlugins ($pluginPath) { // strip the trailing slash if present if (substr($pluginPath, strlen($pluginPath) - 1, 1) == '/') { $pluginPath = substr($pluginPath, 0, strlen($pluginPath) - 1); } if ($handle = opendir($pluginPath)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == '.svn') { continue; } include_once($pluginPath . '/' . $file); } } } /** * Returns the plugin registry for the supplied implementation * * @return array * @param string $implementation */ public function getPluginRegistry ($implementation) { $returnArray = array(); foreach ($this->_registry as $plugin => $meta) { if ($meta['implementation'] == 'n/a' || $meta['implementation'] == $implementation) { $returnArray[$plugin] = $meta; } } return $returnArray; } }