#!/usr/bin/python3 import os from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import locale import re import subprocess from config import get_week, DATE_FORMAT, CURRENT_COURSE_ROOT # TODO locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, "en_GB.utf8") def number2filename(n): return 'lec_{0:02d}.tex'.format(n) def filename2number(s): return int(str(s).replace('.tex', '').replace('lec_', '')) class Lecture(): def __init__(self, file_path, course): with file_path.open() as f: for line in f: lecture_match = re.search(r'lecture\{(.*?)\}\{(.*?)\}\{(.*)\}', line) if lecture_match: break; # number = int(lecture_match.group(1)) date_str = lecture_match.group(2) date = datetime.strptime(date_str, DATE_FORMAT) week = get_week(date) title = lecture_match.group(3) self.file_path = file_path self.date = date self.week = week self.number = filename2number(file_path.stem) self.title = title self.course = course def edit(self): subprocess.Popen([ "x-terminal-emulator", "-e", "zsh", "-i", "-c", f"\\vim --servername kulak --remote-silent {str(self.file_path)}" ]) def __str__(self): return f'' class Lectures(list): def __init__(self, course): self.course = course self.root = course.path self.master_file = self.root / 'master.tex' list.__init__(self, self.read_files()) def read_files(self): files = self.root.glob('lec_*.tex') return sorted((Lecture(f, self.course) for f in files), key=lambda l: l.number) def parse_lecture_spec(self, string): if len(self) == 0: return 0 if string.isdigit(): return int(string) elif string == 'last': return self[-1].number elif string == 'prev': return self[-1].number - 1 def parse_range_string(self, arg): all_numbers = [lecture.number for lecture in self] if 'all' in arg: return all_numbers if '-' in arg: start, end = [self.parse_lecture_spec(bit) for bit in arg.split('-')] return list(set(all_numbers) & set(range(start, end + 1))) return [self.parse_lecture_spec(arg)] @staticmethod def get_header_footer(filepath): part = 0 header = '' footer = '' with filepath.open() as f: for line in f: # order of if-statements is important here! if 'end lectures' in line: part = 2 if part == 0: header += line if part == 2: footer += line if 'start lectures' in line: part = 1 return (header, footer) def update_lectures_in_master(self, r): header, footer = self.get_header_footer(self.master_file) body = ''.join( ' ' * 4 + r'\input{' + number2filename(number) + '}\n' for number in r) self.master_file.write_text(header + body + footer) def new_lecture(self): if len(self) != 0: new_lecture_number = self[-1].number + 1 else: new_lecture_number = 1 new_lecture_path = self.root / number2filename(new_lecture_number) today = datetime.today() date = today.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) new_lecture_path.touch() new_lecture_path.write_text(f'\\lecture{{{new_lecture_number}}}{{{date}}}{{}}\n') if new_lecture_number == 1: self.update_lectures_in_master([1]) else: self.update_lectures_in_master([new_lecture_number - 1, new_lecture_number]) self.read_files() l = Lecture(new_lecture_path, self.course) return l def compile_master(self): subprocess.Popen( ['latexmk', '-g', '-f', str(self.master_file)], cwd=str(self.root), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys args = sys.argv command = args[1] lectures = Lectures(Path.cwd()) if command == 'view': lecture_range = args[2] lecture_range = lectures.parse_range_string(lecture_range) print(lecture_range) lectures.update_lectures_in_master(lecture_range) lectures.compile_master() if command == 'new': lectures.new_lecture() if command == 'init': from utils import beautify course_title = beautify(lectures.root.stem) lines = [r'\documentclass[a4paper]{article}', r'\input{../preamble.tex}', fr'\title{{{course_title}}}', r'\begin{document}', r' \maketitle', r' \tableofcontents', r' % start lectures', r' % end lectures', r'\end{document}' ] lectures.master_file.touch() lectures.master_file.write_text('\n'.join(lines)) (lectures.root / 'master.tex.latexmain').touch() info_file = lectures.root / 'info.yaml' info_file.touch() info_file.write_text(f"title: '{course_title}'") (lectures.root / 'figures').mkdir()