Partial Class Acepm Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean) Try If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then components.Dispose() End If Finally MyBase.Dispose(disposing) End Try End Sub 'Required by the Windows Form Designer Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer 'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer 'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer. 'Do not modify it using the code editor. Private Sub InitializeComponent() DLAP = New Button() DLBP = New Button() InA = New Button() InText = New TextBox() InB = New Button() TS = New Button() InputText = New Button() InstrText = New Button() Up = New Button() Down = New Button() Button6 = New Button() Writer = New Button() Reader = New Button() Enter = New Button() Run = New Button() Oneshot = New Button() InitCards = New Button() Exitt = New Button() Button14 = New Button() Frame1 = New GroupBox() Instruction = New CheckBox() Hexadecimal = New CheckBox() Dec = New CheckBox() MCV = New TextBox() Label1 = New Label() TCAText = New TextBox() TCBText = New TextBox() mcText = New TextBox() TotalText = New TextBox() OutText = New TextBox() Label2 = New Label() Label3 = New Label() Trackk = New TextBox() DL = New TextBox() EnterAt = New TextBox() Label4 = New Label() CardNumber = New TextBox() PunchNumber = New TextBox() Output = New Label() Frame1.SuspendLayout() SuspendLayout() ' ' DLAP ' DLAP.Location = New Point(25, 25) DLAP.Name = "DLAP" DLAP.Size = New Size(25, 25) DLAP.TabIndex = 0 DLAP.Text = "A" DLAP.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' DLBP ' DLBP.Location = New Point(225, 25) DLBP.Name = "DLBP" DLBP.Size = New Size(25, 25) DLBP.TabIndex = 1 DLBP.Text = "B" DLBP.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' InA ' InA.Location = New Point(484, 23) InA.Name = "InA" InA.Size = New Size(25, 25) InA.TabIndex = 2 InA.Text = "A" InA.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' InText ' InText.Location = New Point(515, 23) InText.Name = "InText" InText.Size = New Size(200, 23) InText.TabIndex = 3 ' ' InB ' InB.Location = New Point(484, 48) InB.Name = "InB" InB.Size = New Size(25, 25) InB.TabIndex = 4 InB.Text = "B" InB.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' TS ' TS.Location = New Point(515, 48) TS.Name = "TS" TS.Size = New Size(55, 25) TS.TabIndex = 5 TS.Text = "TS" TS.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' InputText ' InputText.Location = New Point(576, 48) InputText.Name = "InputText" InputText.Size = New Size(55, 25) InputText.TabIndex = 6 InputText.Text = "Input" InputText.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' InstrText ' InstrText.Location = New Point(637, 48) InstrText.Name = "InstrText" InstrText.Size = New Size(55, 25) InstrText.TabIndex = 7 InstrText.Text = "Instr." InstrText.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Up ' Up.Location = New Point(515, 135) Up.Name = "Up" Up.Size = New Size(50, 25) Up.TabIndex = 8 Up.Text = "Up" Up.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Down ' Down.Location = New Point(571, 135) Down.Name = "Down" Down.Size = New Size(50, 25) Down.TabIndex = 9 Down.Text = "Down" Down.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Button6 ' Button6.Location = New Point(627, 135) Button6.Name = "Button6" Button6.Size = New Size(50, 25) Button6.TabIndex = 10 Button6.Text = "Zero" Button6.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Writer ' Writer.Location = New Point(484, 298) Writer.Name = "Writer" Writer.Size = New Size(50, 25) Writer.TabIndex = 11 Writer.Text = "Write" Writer.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Reader ' Reader.Location = New Point(540, 298) Reader.Name = "Reader" Reader.Size = New Size(50, 25) Reader.TabIndex = 12 Reader.Text = "Read" Reader.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Enter ' Enter.Location = New Point(484, 348) Enter.Name = "Enter" Enter.Size = New Size(50, 25) Enter.TabIndex = 13 Enter.Text = "Enter" Enter.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Run ' Run.Location = New Point(569, 348) Run.Name = "Run" Run.Size = New Size(50, 25) Run.TabIndex = 14 Run.Text = "Run" Run.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Oneshot ' Oneshot.Location = New Point(624, 348) Oneshot.Name = "Oneshot" Oneshot.Size = New Size(50, 25) Oneshot.TabIndex = 15 Oneshot.Text = "1-Shot" Oneshot.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' InitCards ' InitCards.Location = New Point(484, 398) InitCards.Name = "InitCards" InitCards.Size = New Size(100, 25) InitCards.TabIndex = 16 InitCards.Text = "Init. Cards" InitCards.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Exitt ' Exitt.Location = New Point(484, 446) Exitt.Name = "Exitt" Exitt.Size = New Size(50, 25) Exitt.TabIndex = 17 Exitt.Text = "EXIT" Exitt.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Button14 ' Button14.Location = New Point(601, 446) Button14.Name = "Button14" Button14.Size = New Size(50, 25) Button14.TabIndex = 18 Button14.Text = "Punch Card" Button14.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Frame1 ' Frame1.Controls.Add(Instruction) Frame1.Controls.Add(Hexadecimal) Frame1.Controls.Add(Dec) Frame1.Location = New Point(484, 79) Frame1.Name = "Frame1" Frame1.Size = New Size(250, 50) Frame1.TabIndex = 19 Frame1.TabStop = False Frame1.Text = "Word Format" ' ' Instruction ' Instruction.AutoSize = True Instruction.Location = New Point(179, 22) Instruction.Name = "Instruction" Instruction.Size = New Size(49, 19) Instruction.TabIndex = 22 Instruction.Text = "Instr" Instruction.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Hexadecimal ' Hexadecimal.AutoSize = True Hexadecimal.Location = New Point(21, 22) Hexadecimal.Name = "Hexadecimal" Hexadecimal.Size = New Size(47, 19) Hexadecimal.TabIndex = 20 Hexadecimal.Text = "Hex" Hexadecimal.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' Dec ' Dec.AutoSize = True Dec.Location = New Point(106, 22) Dec.Name = "Dec" Dec.Size = New Size(46, 19) Dec.TabIndex = 21 Dec.Text = "Dec" Dec.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True ' ' MCV ' MCV.Location = New Point(484, 135) MCV.Name = "MCV" MCV.Size = New Size(25, 23) MCV.TabIndex = 20 MCV.Text = "0" ' ' Label1 ' Label1.AutoSize = True Label1.Location = New Point(484, 174) Label1.Name = "Label1" Label1.Size = New Size(172, 15) Label1.TabIndex = 21 Label1.Text = "TCA TCB m.c. total m.c." ' ' TCAText ' TCAText.Location = New Point(483, 192) TCAText.Name = "TCAText" TCAText.Size = New Size(25, 23) TCAText.TabIndex = 22 TCAText.Text = "Off" ' ' TCBText ' TCBText.Location = New Point(514, 192) TCBText.Name = "TCBText" TCBText.Size = New Size(25, 23) TCBText.TabIndex = 23 TCBText.Text = "Off" ' ' mcText ' mcText.Location = New Point(545, 192) mcText.Name = "mcText" mcText.Size = New Size(25, 23) mcText.TabIndex = 23 mcText.Text = "0" ' ' TotalText ' TotalText.Location = New Point(576, 192) TotalText.Name = "TotalText" TotalText.Size = New Size(100, 23) TotalText.TabIndex = 23 TotalText.Text = "0" ' ' OutText ' OutText.Location = New Point(545, 235) OutText.Name = "OutText" OutText.Size = New Size(100, 23) OutText.TabIndex = 23 ' ' Label2 ' Label2.AutoSize = True Label2.Location = New Point(484, 237) Label2.Name = "Label2" Label2.Size = New Size(45, 15) Label2.TabIndex = 21 Label2.Text = "Output" ' ' Label3 ' Label3.AutoSize = True Label3.Location = New Point(491, 271) Label3.Name = "Label3" Label3.Size = New Size(160, 15) Label3.TabIndex = 21 Label3.Text = "DRUM / CARDS Track DL" ' ' Trackk ' Trackk.Location = New Point(596, 298) Trackk.Name = "Trackk" Trackk.Size = New Size(25, 23) Trackk.TabIndex = 22 Trackk.Text = "0" ' ' DL ' DL.Location = New Point(627, 298) DL.Name = "DL" DL.Size = New Size(25, 23) DL.TabIndex = 22 DL.Text = "1" ' ' EnterAt ' EnterAt.Location = New Point(539, 348) EnterAt.Name = "EnterAt" EnterAt.Size = New Size(25, 23) EnterAt.TabIndex = 22 EnterAt.Text = "0" ' ' Label4 ' Label4.Location = New Point(590, 403) Label4.Name = "Label4" Label4.Size = New Size(61, 20) Label4.TabIndex = 24 Label4.Text = "Read Card" ' ' CardNumber ' CardNumber.Location = New Point(657, 398) CardNumber.Name = "CardNumber" CardNumber.Size = New Size(25, 23) CardNumber.TabIndex = 22 CardNumber.Text = "128" ' ' PunchNumber ' PunchNumber.Location = New Point(657, 448) PunchNumber.Name = "PunchNumber" PunchNumber.Size = New Size(25, 23) PunchNumber.TabIndex = 22 PunchNumber.Text = "256" ' ' Output ' Output.Location = New Point(12, 53) Output.Name = "Output" Output.Size = New Size(442, 502) Output.TabIndex = 25 ' ' Acepm ' AutoScaleDimensions = New SizeF(7.0F, 15.0F) AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font ClientSize = New Size(742, 558) Controls.Add(Label4) Controls.Add(OutText) Controls.Add(TotalText) Controls.Add(mcText) Controls.Add(TCBText) Controls.Add(DL) Controls.Add(PunchNumber) Controls.Add(CardNumber) Controls.Add(EnterAt) Controls.Add(Trackk) Controls.Add(TCAText) Controls.Add(Label2) Controls.Add(Label3) Controls.Add(Label1) Controls.Add(MCV) Controls.Add(Frame1) Controls.Add(Button14) Controls.Add(Exitt) Controls.Add(InitCards) Controls.Add(Oneshot) Controls.Add(Run) Controls.Add(Enter) Controls.Add(Reader) Controls.Add(Writer) Controls.Add(Button6) Controls.Add(Down) Controls.Add(Up) Controls.Add(InstrText) Controls.Add(InputText) Controls.Add(TS) Controls.Add(InB) Controls.Add(InText) Controls.Add(InA) Controls.Add(DLBP) Controls.Add(DLAP) Controls.Add(Output) Name = "Acepm" Text = "Acepm" Frame1.ResumeLayout(False) Frame1.PerformLayout() ResumeLayout(False) PerformLayout() End Sub Friend WithEvents DLAP As Button Friend WithEvents DLBP As Button Friend WithEvents InA As Button Friend WithEvents InText As TextBox Friend WithEvents InB As Button Friend WithEvents TS As Button Friend WithEvents InputText As Button Friend WithEvents InstrText As Button Friend WithEvents Up As Button Friend WithEvents Down As Button Friend WithEvents Button6 As Button Friend WithEvents Writer As Button Friend WithEvents Reader As Button Friend WithEvents Enter As Button Friend WithEvents Run As Button Friend WithEvents Oneshot As Button Friend WithEvents InitCards As Button Friend WithEvents Exitt As Button Friend WithEvents Button14 As Button Friend WithEvents Frame1 As GroupBox Friend WithEvents Instruction As CheckBox Friend WithEvents Hexadecimal As CheckBox Friend WithEvents Dec As CheckBox Friend WithEvents MCV As TextBox Friend WithEvents Label1 As Label Friend WithEvents TCAText As TextBox Friend WithEvents TCBText As TextBox Friend WithEvents mcText As TextBox Friend WithEvents TotalText As TextBox Friend WithEvents OutText As TextBox Friend WithEvents Label2 As Label Friend WithEvents Label3 As Label Friend WithEvents Trackk As TextBox Friend WithEvents DL As TextBox Friend WithEvents EnterAt As TextBox Friend WithEvents Label4 As Label Friend WithEvents CardNumber As TextBox Friend WithEvents PunchNumber As TextBox Friend WithEvents Output As Label End Class