/*************/ /*GEMWIRE */ /* ERYTHRO*/ /*************/ #include #include /* * Handles the declaration of a type of a variable. * int newVar; * * It verifies that we have the `int` keyword followed by a * unique, non-keyword identifier. * * It then stores this variable into the symbol table. * * //TODO: Assemble this into the symbol table. * //TODO: int i = 5; * */ void BeginVariableDeclaration(int Type) { int ID; printf("type: %s\n", TypeNames[Type]); if(CurrentToken.type == LI_LBRAS) { Tokenise(&CurrentToken); //Type = Type - 2; if(CurrentToken.type == LI_INT) { printf("Adding array %s that is %d x %s.\r\n", CurrentIdentifier, CurrentToken.value, TypeNames[Type]); ID = AddArraySymbol(CurrentIdentifier, PointerTo(Type), ST_ARR, 0, CurrentToken.value); AsNewSymb(ID); } Tokenise(&CurrentToken); VerifyToken(LI_RBRAS, "]"); } else { while(1) { //printf("Identifier: %s\n", CurrentIdentifier); printf("Adding symbol %s of type %s.\n", CurrentIdentifier, TypeNames[Type]); ID = AddSymbol(CurrentIdentifier, Type, ST_VAR, 1); AsNewSymb(ID); if(CurrentToken.type == LI_SEMIC) { printf("\tEnd of variables to declare in this statement\n"); Tokenise(&CurrentToken); return; } if(CurrentToken.type == LI_COM) { printf("\t\tStatement appears to continue. Integrating new variable.\n"); Tokenise(&CurrentToken); VerifyToken(TY_IDENTIFIER, "ident"); continue; } DieMessage("\nExpected ; after identifier, found", TokenNames[CurrentToken.type]); } } VerifyToken(LI_SEMIC, ";"); } struct ASTNode* ParseFunction(int Type) { struct ASTNode* Tree; struct ASTNode* FinalStatement; int SymbolSlot, BreakLabel; printf("\nIdentified function %s of return type %s\n", CurrentIdentifier, TypeNames[Type]); BreakLabel = NewLabel(); SymbolSlot = AddFunctionSymbol(CurrentIdentifier, Type, ST_FUNC, BreakLabel, 1); CurrentFunction = SymbolSlot; VerifyToken(LI_LPARE, "("); VerifyToken(LI_RPARE, ")"); Tree = ParseCompound(); if(Type != RET_VOID) { // Functions with one statement have no composite node, so we have to check FinalStatement = (Tree->Operation == OP_COMP) ? Tree->Right : Tree; if(FinalStatement == NULL || FinalStatement->Operation != OP_RET) { Die("Function with non-void type does not return"); } } return ConstructASTBranch(OP_FUNC, Tree->ExprType, Tree, SymbolSlot); } /* * Handles the logic for return. * //TODO: No brackets * //TODO: Type inference * * */ struct ASTNode* ReturnStatement() { struct ASTNode* Tree; int ReturnType, FunctionType; if(Symbols[CurrentFunction].Type == RET_VOID) Die("Attempt to return from void function"); VerifyToken(KW_RETURN, "return"); VerifyToken(LI_LPARE, "("); // TODO: Make optional! Reject? Tree = ParsePrecedenceASTNode(0); /* ReturnType = Tree->ExprType; FunctionType = Symbols[CurrentFunction].Type; */ Tree = MutateType(Tree, Symbols[CurrentFunction].Type, 0); if(Tree == NULL) Die("Returning a value of incorrect type for function"); /* if(ReturnType) Tree = ConstructASTBranch(ReturnType, FunctionType, Tree, 0); */ Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_RET, RET_NONE, Tree, 0); printf("\t\tReturning from function %s\n", Symbols[CurrentFunction].Name); VerifyToken(LI_RPARE, ")"); // TODO: OPTIONALISE! return Tree; } /* * Handles Identifiers. * * This is called for any of: * - Calling a function * - Assigning an lvalue variable * - Performing arithmetic on a variable * - Performing arithmetic with the return values of function calls * * For the case where you're assigning an l-value; * You can assign with another assignment, * a statement, a function or a literal. * */ /* struct ASTNode* ParseIdentifier() { struct ASTNode* Left, *Right, *Tree; int LeftType, RightType; int ID; VerifyToken(TY_IDENTIFIER, "ident"); printf("\t\tAfter parsing, the identifier name is %s, id %d in the symbol table.\n", CurrentIdentifier, FindSymbol(CurrentIdentifier)); if(CurrentToken.type == LI_LPARE) return CallFunction(); if((ID = FindSymbol(CurrentIdentifier)) == -1) { printf("Symbol %s not in table. Table contents: %s, %s\n", CurrentIdentifier, Symbols[0].Name, Symbols[1].Name); DieMessage("Undeclared Variable ", CurrentIdentifier); } Right = ConstructASTLeaf(LV_IDENT, Symbols[ID].Type, ID); VerifyToken(LI_EQUAL, "="); Left = ParsePrecedenceASTNode(0); LeftType = Left->ExprType; RightType = Right->ExprType; Left = MutateType(Left, RightType, 0); if(!Left) Die("Incompatible types in assignment"); if(LeftType) Left = ConstructASTBranch(LeftType, Right->ExprType, Left, 0); Tree = ConstructASTNode(OP_ASSIGN, RET_INT, Left, NULL, Right, 0); return Tree; }*/ struct ASTNode* IfStatement() { struct ASTNode* Condition, *True, *False = NULL; VerifyToken(KW_IF, "if"); VerifyToken(LI_LPARE, "("); Condition = ParsePrecedenceASTNode(0); // Limit if(x) to =? != < > <= => // No null checking, no arithmetic, no functions. // TODO: this if(Condition->Operation < OP_EQUAL || Condition->Operation > OP_GREATE) Condition = ConstructASTBranch(OP_BOOLCONV, Condition->ExprType, Condition, 0); VerifyToken(LI_RPARE, ")"); True = ParseCompound(); if(CurrentToken.type == KW_ELSE) { Tokenise(&CurrentToken); False = ParseCompound(); } return ConstructASTNode(OP_IF, RET_NONE, Condition, True, False, 0); } struct ASTNode* WhileStatement() { struct ASTNode* Condition, *Body; VerifyToken(KW_WHILE, "while"); VerifyToken(LI_LPARE, "("); Condition = ParsePrecedenceASTNode(0); if(Condition->Operation < OP_EQUAL || Condition->Operation > OP_GREATE) Condition = ConstructASTBranch(OP_BOOLCONV, Condition->ExprType, Condition, 0); VerifyToken(LI_RPARE, ")"); Body = ParseCompound(); return ConstructASTNode(OP_LOOP, RET_NONE, Condition, NULL, Body, 0); } struct ASTNode* ForStatement() { // for (preop; condition; postop) { // body //} struct ASTNode* Condition, *Body; struct ASTNode* Preop, *Postop; struct ASTNode* Tree; VerifyToken(KW_FOR, "for"); VerifyToken(LI_LPARE, "("); Preop = ParseStatement(); VerifyToken(LI_SEMIC, ";"); Condition = ParsePrecedenceASTNode(0); if(Condition->Operation < OP_EQUAL || Condition->Operation > OP_GREATE) Condition = ConstructASTBranch(OP_BOOLCONV, Condition->ExprType, Condition, 0); VerifyToken(LI_SEMIC, ";"); Postop = ParseStatement(); VerifyToken(LI_RPARE, ")"); Body = ParseCompound(); // We need to be able to skip over the body and the postop, so we group them together. Tree = ConstructASTNode(OP_COMP, RET_NONE, Body, NULL, Postop, 0); // We need to be able to jump to the top of the condition and fall through to the body, // so we group it with the last block Tree = ConstructASTNode(OP_LOOP, RET_NONE, Condition, NULL, Tree, 0); // We need to append the postop to the loop, to form the final for loop return ConstructASTNode(OP_COMP, RET_NONE, Preop, NULL, Tree, 0); } struct ASTNode* PrintStatement(void) { struct ASTNode* Tree; int LeftType, RightType; VerifyToken(KW_PRINT, "print"); Tree = ParsePrecedenceASTNode(0); LeftType = RET_INT; RightType = Tree->ExprType; Tree = MutateType(Tree, RightType, 0); if(!Tree) DieDecimal("Attempting to print an invalid type:", RightType); if(RightType) Tree = ConstructASTBranch(RightType, RET_INT, Tree, 0); Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_PRINT, RET_NONE, Tree, 0); //ParseAST(Tree); return Tree; } struct ASTNode* PostfixStatement() { struct ASTNode* Tree; int ID; Tokenise(&CurrentToken); // If we get here, we're one of three things: // - Function // - Array // - Variable if(CurrentToken.type == LI_LPARE) return CallFunction(); if(CurrentToken.type == LI_LBRAS) return AccessArray(); // If we get here, we must be a variable. // There's no guarantees that the variable is in // the symbol table, though. ID = FindSymbol(CurrentIdentifier); if(ID == -1 || Symbols[ID].Structure != ST_VAR) DieMessage("Unknown Variable", CurrentIdentifier); // Here we check for postincrement and postdecrement. switch(CurrentToken.type) { case PPMM_PLUS: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = ConstructASTLeaf(OP_POSTINC, Symbols[ID].Type, ID); break; case PPMM_MINUS: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = ConstructASTLeaf(OP_POSTDEC, Symbols[ID].Type, ID); break; default: Tree = ConstructASTLeaf(REF_IDENT, Symbols[ID].Type, ID); } return Tree; } struct ASTNode* PrefixStatement() { struct ASTNode* Tree; switch (CurrentToken.type) { case BOOL_INVERT: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = PrefixStatement(); Tree->RVal = 1; Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_BOOLNOT, Tree->ExprType, Tree, 0); break; case BIT_NOT: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = PrefixStatement(); Tree->RVal = 1; Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_BITNOT, Tree->ExprType, Tree, 0); break; case AR_MINUS: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = PrefixStatement(); Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_NEGATE, Tree->ExprType, Tree, 0); break; case PPMM_PLUS: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = PrefixStatement(); if(Tree->Operation != REF_IDENT) Die("++ not followed by identifier"); Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_PREINC, Tree->ExprType, Tree, 0); break; case PPMM_MINUS: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = PrefixStatement(); if(Tree->Operation != REF_IDENT) Die("-- not followed by identifier"); Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_PREDEC, Tree->ExprType, Tree, 0); break; case BIT_AND: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); // To allow things like: // x = &&y; // We need to recursively parse prefixes; Tree = PrefixStatement(); if(Tree->Operation != REF_IDENT) Die("& must be followed by another & or an identifier."); Tree->Operation = OP_ADDRESS; Tree->ExprType = PointerTo(Tree->ExprType); break; case AR_STAR: Tokenise(&CurrentToken); Tree = PrefixStatement(); if(Tree->Operation != REF_IDENT && Tree->Operation != OP_DEREF) Die("* must be followed by another * or an identifier."); Tree = ConstructASTBranch(OP_DEREF, ValueAt(Tree->ExprType), Tree, 0); break; default: Tree = ParsePrimary(); } return Tree; }